This Week in Pictures (June 1, 2016)

Late spring is my favorite, I’m just trying to keep up!

This week we had some rich compost delivered. Shoveling that sh*t was hard work but a dunk in Goose Pond made it all worth it.  I reclaimed some lawn outside the garden borders to allow for some rambling squash plants too, hopefully we have a chaotic patch of pumpkins and hubbard squash and zucchini soon.

The perennial gardens are blooming and  filling in as well. The early morning dew, fog and light made for some beautiful photos, many of these were taken by Opal.

Morning fog, Hunky toads, dewdrops and campfires….life is good.



This Week in Pictures

This week it seems that Spring has officially sprung. The trees have leaves overnight and the world is greening-up and growing.

Who am I to get in it’s way?



This Week in Pictures

Summer bliss, a darn good week all in all.

My cast comes off tomorrow, so next week is looking up too!




I love my peg leg but not as much as my actual foot. Goodbye cast, you’ve been swell!


The lace of Queen Anne and Susan’s brown eyes.


Fresh picked blueberries and vanilla ice cream for breakfast. Don’t mind if I do.


Twilight Gin and Tonic. Is there anything better in the summer? The blueberry addition was relish, next time I’ll muddle them a bit.


Birthday kebobs at the fire pit. Made with local beef, zucchini and tomatoes from the garden. Maybe next year I’ll grow the mushrooms and peppers too.


Peas bursting from their pods. So juicy and sweet.


Happy Birthday! Homemade chocolate raspberry cake with raspberries from Darling’s farm.  Next time I’ll eat two pieces. 🙂


Friends and family enjoying the evening twilight. Bliss.


I got a new lens for my camera just in time to capture the beautiful Full Blue Moon.



The hummers go through about 6 cups of nectar every 4 days. The air is literally a-buzz.


Baby bunnies, it doesn’t get much cuter!

This Week In Pictures

We’ve been busy around here!  Dave spent most of the week getting ready to host Team Chicken. On Sunday, the team processed 225 birds in about 6 hours. Each time we do it, it gets a little better and a little faster. For those of you who were present please let us know if you have ideas for improvements!

The garden continues to grow with almost no involvement from me, (broken ankle, that’s another story) but I sure am enjoying the pea pods, beans, tomatoes and zucchini that are ready now.

Have a great week everyone!


All steps in processing day are important but we all certainly appreciate having Heather keep her eye on the finished product. She’s the best bagger and ‘pretty maker’ we know! Those tubs are heavy!


A final inspection happens before the birds go in the cooler to dry before bagging. An important step to be sure they are ready for you!


The e-station has the best facial expressions, such looks of concentration! This table now has overhead water and room for 6 people. We’ve come a long way baby. Fresh air and sunshine, the only way!


This little lady was spotting in the garden, she’s ensuring we have enough zucchini to feed all the neighbors. I know they’ll be psyched! 😉


Despite having a cast on my left leg I managed to week most of the garden today and picked the first tomatoes. Summer is officially here.


Red onion flower.


The view from the mailbox.


Everybody loves pea pods! Honestly, I think I mostly like to hear them CRUNCH when they chew. So funny.

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Our new logo. Do you likey?